2 Jul

How to Install Drivers on a Laptop

How to Install Drivers on a Laptop
1 Click “Start,” “Control Panel,” “Administrative Tools,” “Computer Management” and “Device Manager.”

2 Click the plus (+) sign next to any device category in the list to expand a list of your installed devices of that type. For instance, if you want to update your display adapter (video card) click on the plus sign next to “Display adapters.”

3 Right-click on a device and select “Update Driver Software…” and choose “Search automatically for updated driver software.” Your machine will search for and install available driver updates for the device.

1 Follow Steps 1 and 2 from Section 1 and then right-click on the device you want to update and select “Properties.” Note the device name and the manufacturer’s name.

2 Go to the website of the device’s manufacturer and search for driver downloads relevant your specific device. Many hardware manufacturers host device driver downloads at their official websites and allow you to search for driver support by the name or model number of your device.

3 Download a driver designed for your hardware device and operating system. Check your operating system version, click “Start,” right-click “My computer” and select “Properties.”

4 Run the driver setup or install executable file (.exe) after your download is complete to install the driver. Restart your computer.